UPDATE 4 8/4/2015 This is what I am talking about with Radio starting to expand its channels Click Here
UPDATE 3 7/15/2015: Apple introduce updated iPod line. Well I feel vindicated, barely, although Apple did finally update its iPod line, they have not chosen to increased its screen size to better facilitate gaming nor have they increased its audio quality along the lines of Pono. Both moves I believed would have reinvigorated the line , the Apple Music brand and disrupted the gaming market. Oh Well 😎
Check out The Loops Jim dalyrmple’s post for details here
UPDATE 2 7/3/2015: Wait a minute maybe I was right at least about a new iPod , hopefully with HD ability Check out this post.
UPDATE: I was mostly wrong for now , I believe my thoughts for a new HD iPod were wrong if not I’m sure Appke would have introduced it with the new Music unveiling. However I believe my concept of a DJ curated service will be incorporated not only to music but news as well.
Streaming music services are beginning to upend the Music industry. Stung by services like Pandora , iTunes Radio, Rdio and others, music business executives see this a positive development and a possible path to reinvigorate the industry. I have my own thoughts on this but more on that later *

Apple, who many credit with saving the Music business during the Napster days has seen a slow decline in iTunes sales last year. Apple famous for not spending money buying technology they believe they can do better spent roughly three billion dollars or triple the dollars they have ever spent on an acquisition buying Beats Music service. Why ?
Apple seems to have fallen behind other subscription services ? Why is it taking so long for Apple to launch? Apple long known for following the beat of its own drummer is once again taking their sweet time until they feel they have it right. After many years as experts in music , Apple understands that the model of incorporating algorithms to choose music for listeners does not encourage listeners to purchase or in this new model, subscribe.
I believe Apple has come up with a model that harkens back to the heyday of the music business, I predict they will reintroduce the DJ.
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