After an unprecedented period of development, research and market preparation Apple with todays introduction of Apple Watch has positioned it self to once again to disrupt an industry. As Muhammad Ali loved to shout “They Shook up the World”. This time and for the first time without the guidance of, the man of the hour, the legend, the king of change, the Master of Disruption the one and only MR STEVE JOBS. Both Tim Cook and Jony Ives both having been anointed by Steve to replicate the duality embodied in his bodily form are accepting the heavyweight belt. Mr. Form and Mr. Function if you will today stepped onto the World Stage making this “Product” intro not just about a ground breaking new product combining both elements of that form and function equation but one that raises the bar by adding a new challenge for Apple, The fashion Business, not an easy crowd to please. It appears that Apple lead by the duo have taken this challenge very seriousely. Early on for instance, recognizing that for any wearable technology to succeed it had to be more then marrying form and function it had to be stylish enough for non geek consumers to wear, Apple scoured the globe for talent and knowledge outside it’s campus and brought that talent into the mothership and the Apple family. For the first time we are seeing power of Apple’s newly acquired financial resources and marketing savvy being utilized in a highly coordinated worldwide product launch. It certainly appears that Apple has taken their responsibility of due diligence very seriously. A requirement many of the world’s largest companies almost never take the time to do. Apple has demostrated by bringing on fashionistas Andrea Ahrendts and Mark Newhouse as well as other top personnel from the Medical, Health and Watch industry, that they are clearly speaking a new business language, one that lacks the arrogance that many accused Steve of having (granting that Steve’s genius was intuitive) but should command the respect deserving of a new Heavyweight Champion.
This is a Big Event for Apple

I am not one hundred percent sure that Steve had nothing to do with the Watch , I do know that the idea was in his head as evidenced in one of his last keynotes introducing the iPod Nano, every one of those present in the live audience could see that twinkle in his eye that we all knew meant he was up to something.
Apple Launches Upgraded iPod
SAN FRANCISCO – SEPTEMBER 01: Apple CEO Steve Jobs demonstrates the features of the new touch screen version of the iPod Nano as he speaks during an Apple Special Event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts September 1, 2010 in San Francisco, California. Jobs announced upgraded versions of the entire iPod line, including an iPod Touch that includes a camera. He also showed the new iTunes version 10 and the release of the second generation of Apple TV.
“One of the members of our Board of Directors is going to use it as a watch,” Jobs said

September 1 2010