The Verdict is in, The Apple v Samsung case is a win for American Business !

Today’s verdict justly comes on the anniversary of Steve Jobs voluntarily stepping down from his leadership role @ Apple. This issue with competitors was a chief concern for Apple’s CEO and I am sure he would be very pleased with this victory. The California jury decision is not only a win for Steve Jobs and Apple, it is a win for all American businesses that value the ideals of true and fair competition. Samsung’s distasteful public statement after the verdict is only further proof that Samsung just does not get it. Ingrained in their company’s culture is the concept that competing in business is only a matter of efficient production irregardless of the products origin, environmental concerns or working conditions. Apple plays by the rules agreed upon by international business and so should Samsung. While most Pacific Rim corporations follow a business model of copying other companies innovation and reproducing a less expensive version, Samsung has deliberately crossed the line by stealing trusted information from their own client and using it to compete against their own client.

Apple said in a statement provided to The Loop.

“The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsung’s copying went far deeper than even we knew. The lawsuits between Apple and Samsung were about much more than patents or money. They were about values. At Apple, we value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth. We make these products to delight our customers, not for our competitors to flagrantly copy. We applaud the court for finding Samsung’s behavior willful and for sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn’t right.

”Click on the links below for two previous columns and a more in-depth analysis.

Click    and  here



Did Samsung’s Attorneys actually help Apple win their fight? Apple is right to stand tall!

During Samsung’s confusing closing arguments many of the points made by their Attorneys in one area actually strengthened Apple’s cause in others.

I am sure that the jury picked up on this.

this is not the result of competition, this is the result of a corporate culture that has been weaned on copyism (my new word), their lack of innovation and their addiction to copyism has served these companies fine when stealing industries from the innovators using low labor costs and toxic manufacturing to compete. tv Continue reading “Did Samsung’s Attorneys actually help Apple win their fight? Apple is right to stand tall!” »

Can Apple untie this Gordian Knot we call Television ? I think I see the answer!

Apple Set Top Box circa 1995 thx to Shrine of Apple

Apple Inc. has been sitting or the fence when it comes entering our  living rooms with a television solution. The problems involved have been huge hurdles to get over. Yesterday we were informed that Apple had been granted a patent for a television channel guide UI software.  This got me thinking about which way Apple may be heading and the more I think about it the more I see Apple’s fingerprints all over the place. Follow me here , this could be the Game Changer we have all been looking for!  Continue reading “Can Apple untie this Gordian Knot we call Television ? I think I see the answer!” »

No Freaking Way!!! This is the New iPhone , Apple’s Campaign of Disinformation must be well underway. You have been Punked (Updated)


Thx to 9-5 Mac for this mock up

When the new iPhone is introduced journalist, bloggers, tech geeks all over silicon valley will realize that they have been Punked.

Now this is more like it

A design concept from Antonio De Rosa of ADR studios

Update 9/12/12

Well I got this wrong , a little disappointed but the actual phone does look much better then the leaked models 

Continue reading “No Freaking Way!!! This is the New iPhone , Apple’s Campaign of Disinformation must be well underway. You have been Punked (Updated)” »

Why Microsoft should Purchase Radio Shack

Those that follow my work know that I have been predicting that Microsoft is going to follow Apple’s lead and go vertical (click link below). With that in mind, Microsoft would need to develop it’s own distribution channel , I think the boys from Redmond should take a look at Radio Shack to quickly satisfy their needs. Below I attempt to make my case.

Continue reading “Why Microsoft should Purchase Radio Shack” »